I sent Forer a message through Facebook to let him know that I am not a Trump supporter. My Facebook profile photo is of me with my wife, who happens to be Asian. Seeing that photo, Forer offered the following comment:
I know guys like you who marry woman [sic] from other countries because of insecurities with woman from the modern world. Bug [sic] just because she is subservient to you gives you no right to abuse her. I hope the rumors i have heard are not true.
Now if a conservative offered such a comment, he would be immediately accused of racism. Forer knows nothing about my wife, yet saw that she is Asian and concluded that a.) she is not from the "modern world," b.) she is"subservient," and c.) I married someone from another country because of "insecurities."
Regarding a.), I was in my wife's country in October 2002, and saw that texting from more widespread there than it was here. In addition to cellphones, they have television, computers, and many other modern conveniences. Forer apparently has the idea that folks in my wife's country live like the Tasaday tribe.
Regarding b.), Anyone who knows my wife would have a good laugh over her being characterized as "subservient," i.e., "prepared to obey others unquestioningly."She serves in leadership roles at her company (which, incidentally, is a supplier of health information technology solutions and very much part of the "modern world"), her church, and other groups. Forer is an older, white gentleman who obviously holds on to ancient stereotypes about Asian women.
Regarding c.), far from being insecure, it took a great deal of courage to ask out this tall, beautiful, and intelligent woman. I'm fortunate that she said yes.
Forer also threw out the scurrilous implication that I abuse my wife. That should demonstrate to all that he is not a decent human being.
Over the years, I have dealt with many liberals like Forer. Unable to offer a cogent argument, they immediately launch into personal attacks. Unfortunately, those attacks are often directed at my wife, who is an innocent bystander. Most of those attacks are similar to Forer's. I have had liberals say that my wife married me only because she wanted to escape poverty in her own country. In fact, she is a registered nurse who qualified to come to this country on her own during the early 1990s because of the nursing shortage in this country. There has also been the common charge that I had to get a wife from another country because "no American woman would married me." Note the racism inherent in that comment. It assumes that women from other countries are inferior to American women. (Again, I'm not a Trump supporter, but I notice liberals making the same "argument" regarding his wife.)
Interestingly, Forer offered comments again today, including this gem: "The racists crawl out of the woodwork to comment."
That has to be the ultimate in projection.
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