According to the Kansas City today, "The Paul Davis for Governor campaign said it slipped up Tuesday by not including its disclaimer on a news release announcing the endorsements of more than 100 Republicans in Kansas." Further:
Kansas law says any “brochure, flier, fact sheet, postcard, fund-raising invitation, or door hanger that expressly advocates the election or defeat of a candidate for state or local office must include the ‘paid for by’ statement,” according to the Ethics Commission website.
[Republicans for Kansas Values] expressly endorsed Davis.
Wednesday, an official with the Davis campaign said RKV isn’t an independent group, just part of the candidate’s campaign committee
The official said the RKV news release should have included a statement it was paid for by the Davis for Governor committee.Unfortunately for the Davis campaign, the RKV only got worse today. It seems that former U.S. Rep. Jan Meyers, 85, didn't really endorse Davis for governor. From the Kansas City Star:
Meyers said she did join Republicans for Kansas Values — “I’m trying to be a moderate” — but would never publicly endorse a Democrat over a sitting Republican governor. She said that “there must have been some miscommunication.”One has to wonder if there was any "miscommunication" with others who signed the RKV new release.
If Davis can't handle something as easy as a news release or signing up people to endorse his campaign, can we really expect him to be able to handle gubernatorial duties?
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