Monday, May 5, 2014

Sandy Praeger prepares to betray her party

The Wichita Eagle reported over the weekend that a new group, Women for Kansas (I'll have more about the radical leaders of this group in a future post), has formed to work towards the defeat of Governor Sam Brownback and Secretary of State Kris Kobach, both Republicans, this November.

Interestingly, the Women for Kansas website lists Kansas Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger, also a Republican, as an honorary co-chair.

Praeger has run as a Republican during her entire political career, has benefited from the votes of Republicans, and endorsed Brownback for governor in 2010. Praeger herself was on the ballot in 2010 to seek her third four-year term as insurance commissioner. She is not seeking re-election this November.

I usually vote for Republicans, but have never voted for Praeger for one simple reason: She is a very dishonest person.

In April 1997, then-State Sen. Sandy Praeger visited Eudora High School and made the following statement:

"Many people think they ought to be able to carry a gun for protection. Statistics show that the national crime rate is on the decline, while accidents related to guns, particularly those involving children, have increased."

(Source: Vickie Hull, "Senator Praeger talks to EHS government classes," The Eudora News, April 24, 1997. p. 1.)

Praeger lied to those students. According to the National Safety Council, there were 64 percent fewer fatal firearm accidents among children in 1995 than in 1975. In addition, the National Center for Health Statistics reported in 1994 that fatal firearms accidents fell to the lowest annual number since record-keeping began in 1903.

At the time Praeger lied to these students, it was true that the national crime rate was on the decline. However, the crime rate was on the increase in Kansas, which had not yet allowed the right to carry. I asked Praeger this question at a Chamber of Commerce "Eggs and Issues" breakfast on April 26, 1997:

"During the years following Florida's enactment of the right to carry in 1987, that state experienced a significant decline in violent-crime rates. During the same years, the Koch Crime Commission reported that Kansas experienced a significant increase in violent-crime rates. How do you explain this?"

Praeger's response? "Statistics can be used to show anything." She then went on to cite statistics concerning the national crime rate and accidental death rates, including the lie she told the students.

Why do I bring up Praeger's lie from 17 years ago? Because Praeger has never been shy about lying to advance her agenda during her entire political career. Keep this in mind as she teams up with Paul Davis in his quixotic quest to unseat Sam Brownback.

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